
From the Rector

Dear Friends,

Next Wednesday 1 August, Bishop Peter Comensoli will be installed as the new Archbishop of the Catholic Church in Melbourne. This appointment was announced by Pope Francis 29 June. Bishop Comensoli replaces Archbishop Dennis Hart as Head of the Catholic Church in Melbourne. No doubt we will come to know more about the personality of the new Archbishop, and of his story. You can Google his name and find out where he comes from, and what he has done in life. Or you can read more about him in the notes that follow this short article.

The appointment of Bishop Comensoli also prompts me to reflect on the mission of the Catholic Church and of the Salesians.

The mission of the Church is to bring the love of God to all people, a love which was made “human” in the person of Jesus Christ, a love that all followers of Jesus try to live in practice in their lives and relationships.

The Church fulfils her mission through the witness and actions of many agencies, groups, associations, organizations, and individuals. Schools of all levels and education in general are very important agencies in the mission of the Church, all over the world.

Salesian College Chadstone is an integral part of the mission of the Church in Melbourne.

The Salesians of Don Bosco cooperate with the Church in fulfilling the mission of education of the young. This is very clearly stated in their rules, as exemplified in the following quotes:

–   “The needs of the young and the desire to work with the Church and in her name inspire and shape the concrete pastoral activity of the Salesians”.

–   “The Salesians educate the young to an authentic understanding of the Church. Don Bosco tells us: No effort should be spared when the Church and the Pope are at stake”.

–     “The Salesians introduce the young to a conscious and active participation in the Church’s liturgy, the source and summit of all Christian life”.

On behalf of Salesian College, we congratulate Bishop Comensoli, and thank Archbishop Hart, and we pray for them, as ‘Shepherds’ of the Catholic community in Melbourne.

If you would like to read more about Bishop Comensoli, please click HERE.

Fr Frank Bertagnolli, SDB