
From the Rector

Dear Friends,

Salesian College is a Catholic school that follows the tradition and values of the Salesian education according to the method and priorities of Don Bosco.

Parents and guardians who choose this school for the education of their children should be in no doubt whatsoever about the IDENTITY, and VALUE SYSTEM of the school.

It should be clear to everyone that Religious Education, with all that it entails, is an integral part of the curriculum. Many opportunities for religious experiences are carefully planned and prepared throughout the year – such as learning about traditions of the Catholic Church and other religions, celebrations of important religious feast days in the Christian calendar, participating in the Sacraments (especially of Reconciliation and the Eucharist), social justice activities, days of Retreat or Reflection, and other initiatives. For many of these experiences, attendance is compulsory, while for others, attendance is optional and encouraged.

I have found the attitude and participation of the students as very positive. And I hope that parents and families encourage their sons to take an active part in these initiatives.

Here I would like to highlight some of the religious experiences that were offered to all students in the last few weeks – and I refer especially to the celebration of the Eucharist.

All year levels took part in a Mass around the theme of FAMILY. We stressed the importance of family, and of creating a “family spirit” in the school; we prayed together for mums and dads, siblings and the extended family, for those who have passed away and for a happy family experience at home and at school.

Last week, to mark the “Year of Youth” in Australia this year and the special gathering called by Pope Francis in Rome in October on the issues of Young People, the College organized a “Youth Mass”, which was optional, but well attended by Staff and students.

And finally, the number of students who took part in the “Sacramental Program” in preparation for the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, first Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist, was very encouraging. These boys deserve special commendation for their courage and commitment – as do their families for their example and support.

The celebration of these Sacraments on the second-last day of this term, in the presence of families and friends, will be a great blessing for the whole College community.

It is my fond hope that we all take a positive and affirming attitude to the religious formation of Staff and students at Salesian College.

Fr Frank Bertagnolli SDB