Dear Members of the Salesian College Community,
It is with great excitement that we announce the new Student Services, Learning Support and Administration Building is now complete. From the start of Term 2 (Tuesday 23 April), traffic arrangements will revert back to allowing drop off and pick up in the College grounds on either the North or West Driveways. A traffic map can be accessed here for your reference. School traffic should use Bosco street to access the school and exit via Timmings or Savio Streets as per the map.
To allow clear access for buses, no cars are to park in the driveway between 3:00 and 3:45pm. We encourage parents to continue to use the alternate drop off/pick up areas of Hiscock and Jacana streets to ease congestion at peak drop off and pick up times.
Owing to residential construction works in Bosco Street “No Standing” restrictions will be altered for the remainder of 2019. A “Works Zone” restriction will apply to the west side of the street (at the Waverley Road end) and “No Standing” restrictions (8am – 9am & 3pm – 4pm) will now apply to the east side of the street while building works are taking place. The “No Standing” restrictions will continue to facilitate traffic flow along the street during school pick up and drop off time. Please take note of the altered parking restrictions in the street as Term 2 2019 commences.
We are proud of our College Community for the way we all have adhered to the inconvenient but necessary traffic conditions during construction, resulting in minimal problems and complaints during this time.
If you have any further questions, please contact Peter Knight, the Facilities Manager on 9807 2644
Mr Jack Palumbo
Business Manager