
World’S Greatest Shave BBQ Fundraising

On the 7th of March, the VCE Vocational Major students held a BBQ to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation, supporting all those affected by the disease. The boys had two weeks to plan the event and did not disappoint when the day arrived.

At both recess and lunch, the VM classes hosted a BBQ. They worked together to plan what to sell, how much to charge, and whether the items would be appealing. In the end, they decided on breakfast burgers for recess and a build-your-own burger option for lunch.

On the day, both classes managed to raise an outstanding total of just under $400. The VM boys worked extremely well and efficiently together, making this a memorable event in the Salesian calendar.

On Friday, the 28th of March, the VCE VM students are organising the World’s Greatest Shave, with a goal of raising $10,000 for this worthy cause. Please support the Leukaemia Foundation by donating through the team page here.